POWER DEMOCRACY - The Only New Idea In Politics! - "The Power Of Voice"
The Ten Principles Of Democracism


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From Democracism: A Declaration Of Principles

We the people nominate We the people Legislate, We the people RULE

1. There is no problem confronting America that real democracy cannot solve. Real democracy is government truly of the people, by the people, and for the people, not of, by and for anti-democratic multinational corporations and domestic special interests.

2. Whoever controls the wealth of the nation will control the government of the nation, and whoever controls the government of the nation will control the people.

3. Control of the wealth of the United States, and thereby control of the government of the United States has fallen into the hands of gigantic multinational corporations with no true national allegiance.

4. Our own liberty and that of our children requires that the American people control the government of the United States, and that in order to do so, the American people must of necessity control the wealth of the United States.

5. The only real democracy is one in which the government is controlled by the people from the grass roots upward, not as under the present system, which allows multinational corporations and other powerful special interests to legally bribe our representatives, to control financing of expensive mass elections, and thereby our political parties, thus effectively controlling our government, from the top downward.

6. In order to insure that the American people control the government from the grass roots upward, an election system structured like the layers of a pyramid must be instituted. At the foundation of the pyramid, voters would meet in town meeting type groups of 50 voters, called blocks. Each block would select a representative. Each succeeding layer would consist of blocks formed from representatives selected from the blocks at a lower layer. The representatives at the top of the pyramid would thus have been chosen by representatives of representatives, all the way down to the grass roots itself at the foundation of the pyramid. The will of the people must control the election process from the grass roots upward to the highest level of government, or there can be no democracy!

7. A separate economic branch of the government, complete with checks and balances, must be established to manage the economic life of the nation in an environmentally sound and socially responsible manner.

8. Free enterprise as practiced by entrepreneurs and small businesses has been the bulwark of American liberty and the foundation of American productive excellence. As such it must be protected from both the predatory business practices of the multinationals and from stifling government interference.

9. All political and economic changes necessary to regain real democracy for America must be accomplished within the framework of the United States constitution and the laws of the land.

10. The nation's political leaders must place no other consideration above establishing these TEN PRINCIPLES, or it will be our duty as Americans to replace them with political leaders who give re- establishing real democracy their highest allegiance. This is the truth and we the people will be heard.

The Ten Principles of Democracism